Student Blogs

L’Amour Est Plus Fort Que La Haine

November 15th, 2015 tjvign17

As many of you know, France was the target of one of the worst terrorist attacks in recent European history this past weekend. The iconic cafés and theaters of Paris were seen transformed into places of fear and confusion, and the heart of France was deeply wounded. Watching the horrors unfold on television, we saw a story of barbarism and complete disregard for the sacredness of life. The hatred in the aggressors was palpable.

Yet there is something stronger and more profound than the hatred of these people.

This something is the amazing depth of compassion extending beyond the French borders and touching the hearts of all those who believe in the fundamental values of France. Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity take on new meaning as we realize that Paris is much more than the Eiffel tower; it is the seat of a nation founded upon the rights of Man and it represents all the beautiful things that have flourished from a constant pursuit of liberty. Nicknamed the City of Light, it serves as a beacon to all those who seek to escape from oppression.

Though dwindled this past weekend, the light of Paris will never be extinguished. It will continue attracting millions, and inspiring all with its grandeur and genuine beauty. May we continue the incredible outpouring of love that we have been witness to over the last two days and may we never forget that love will always be stronger than hatred.

Bien qu’elle soit affaiblie, la ville de lumière ne sera jamais éteinte. Souvenons-nous surtout que l’amour sera toujours plus fort que la haine. 

N'oublions jamais

N’oublions jamais

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Thomas Vignati '17

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