Student Blogs

T-Day in T-minus 3 Days

November 22nd, 2015 tjvign17

Hi all!

In a desperate search for a taste of home, this week I embarked on what I would soon find to be an exhausting mission to find the ingredients for cranberry sauce. Three supermarkets and three miles later, I finally found cranberry jam in the organic section of the massive Carrefour located on the outskirts of town (after seeing most of the employees scooting around the massive complex in roller-blades).

Though I am far from home this Thanksgiving, I am blessed to have some of the study abroad liaisons here organize a proper American feast this Thursday. When this idea was first proposed, I made an extensive list of classic Thanksgiving food, eager to make more than enough to have a weekend of pilgrim sandwiches. However, I’ve been told that doggy-bags and leftovers are not an option, so I guess I’m just going to have to each as much pecan pie and turkey as I can in one night (which might be a shock to the French–I mean, it is Thanksgiving after all).

Though I can’t believe how quickly it came upon me, Thanksgiving this year will be unique–I am certainly thankful to be in France, yet I can’t help but feel the tug of nostalgia when I think of Thanksgivings spent in Rhode Island with my grandparents and the ridiculous image of four adult “kids” shoved in the back seat made for three, each holding a casserole of potentially staining food that quivers precariously on their laps with each bump of the two-hour ride. It is strange to think about how around this time three years ago I found out I got into Holy Cross and by this time next year, I will be a finishing up my penultimate semester. With that mind-boggling statement, I leave you all to celebrate Thanksgiving fully (no matter where you are) and remember to be thankful not just for your fond memories of yore but those you are creating presently as well.

Imagine these four people squished into the backseat of a wagon after one hour of standstill Mass pike traffic–there's a lot less smiling than this

Imagine these four people squished into the backseat of a wagon after two hours of standstill Mass pike traffic–there’s a lot less smiling than this


Happy Turkey-Day!


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Thomas Vignati '17

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